Wednesday, January 24, 2007

NCATE/NCTE Standard #1 addresses the influence of media on culture and people's actions and communications. Certainly all of our students have been influenced by the media in ways past generations could not possibly have imagined were possible. As a teacher it is my responsibility to make certain students have as much technology understanding and experience possible in light of today's media explosion. Personally, I have no (or extremely limited) experience in using technology and in understanding the influence of media on our culture and communications. I know, from a distance, that media has made the world smaller and communication with people from the remotest corners of the earth possible. However, I am still unable to comprehend all of the possibilities open to our students.

Standard #3 speaks of having the ability to help students compose in different media. I can certainly see the necessity of a course like Computer Technology for the Classroom in helping students access all of the available media in their quest for giving voices to their thoughts and ideas. These different media possibilities will most certainly spark the interest of even the most reluctant student - perhaps the student that hates English but loves computers. The possibilities seem endless.


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