Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I was just reading a post that Kaitlin had put up on her blog on 2/7, and she quoted from a book she had read. When I was reading that something hit me - like being struck full speed by a mack truck (not that I have ever had that experience, thank heavens). I don't have to know everything about everything to be a teacher. My students and I can learn together - even about the digital world - and I think that would be part of the fun. I have been in a fog lately and I guess I have been missing the fact that kids love knowing more then their teachers know, and teaching me as we explore this digital world together is something that the kids will probably find exciting. A light bulb moment for me. I have spent so much time worrying about all that I don't know that I have lost sight of the fact that learning can be a two-way process. I can learn as my students learn. How much fun will it be to take this journey together - all of a sudden I'm not so scared by all of this. I still don't know anything about it, but maybe that's not so horrible after all.

Just thought I'd share my "defining moment".



Willis said...

"My students and I can learn together" ... What you said there just made me think of one of Will's ten points that I discussed. There is this idea that teachers learn from other teachers, students who learn from the teachers, students who learn from students, and now, inevitably, teachers who learn/will learn from students.

Kris Mark said...

Thank you for sharing your "light bulb moment" Darlene! I definitly agree that students will find it fun and exciting to show their teacher how to do something. When I go help my mother in her classroom sometimes, granted her students tease her about not knowing how to use the computer, she allows them to take over and show her how to do things. Trust me, they love it!! She get's a kick out of it as well. Going into this profession I thought I'd be the one reading and explaining to the students, clearly that role is changing!