Monday, April 30, 2007

Friedman-"Dirty Little Secrets"

How long is it going to take for educators/educational administrators in this country to realize we are sending our kids out into the world ill-prepared for what lies ahead. We still want our students to memorize things - standing in front of a classroom feeding them information they can recite back to us on tests. Do we do this because it's in their best interests to be taught in the manner? Absolutely not! We do this because it's what is easy for us - we don't have to work so hard. We don't have to learn the latest technology to pass on to our students. We can rely on doing things in the same old way. We need more educators willing to work harder. That's why 307 is so important. Hopefully we will learn some of the skills we need to use in our classrooms to prepare our students for the flat world they will be entering.

Every teacher/administrator should be required to read Friedman. It's essential to understand how far behind other countries we are and how woefully prepared our students are when it comes to entering this flat world. How will they become the untouchables?


Jonathan said...

I can't stand how schools just sit there and say "eh, they'll survive". Maybe not all schools are quoting this, but I am sure a large percentage are. I really don't understand why people would want to set their children up for failure. It is quite depressing to not see advances in technology going on within schools across the country on massive levels. There are a few here and there. There needs to be a to be an entire technological renaissance(I think I spelled that right) going on in this country!

Karen Stearns said...

Yes, for sure!! Darlene, you are right. It's simply easier for teachers to do the same old, same old.

No question about that.

Anything else takes so much more imagination and "work," yes.

I agree with Jon--we are setting our kids up for failure if we do not empower them as learners and help them navigate the flat world.