Friday, April 27, 2007

MP3's and iPods As A Vehicle For Cheaters

I heard this one on the radio this morning on my way to Cortland. A school (can't remember which state) is banning iPods in the classroom. It seems students were using this to cheat on exams. They were putting notes on them disguised as song lyrics and also loading mathematics formulas, etc. onto them. Then they would put them inside their shirts, run the chord up and put the earbud in place and hide the chord with their shirt collars.

Isn't technology wonderful - let's hope students put as much time and effort into using it for the good as they do in finding ways to use it for other purposes. I am always amazed. Think of the talent involved in hiding notes in song lyrics. What a waste of a student's time and talent. Just thought I would share this latest "use" of technology.

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