Thursday, April 5, 2007

Laptops for School

Here is a video clip that tells about an entire state - Pennsylvania - that is getting laptops for all students. They believe that we are not preparing our students for jobs in a technology driven future. Pennsylvan's gets it!!! This video talks about how you can tailor your instruction with each student in mind - not the same lesson for everyone. Check it out.

What does everyone think? Why is New York not doing this in our schools? If the governor of Pennsylvania understands we are now in competition globally in regard to our students, why doesn't the rest of this country "get it"???


Anonymous said...

Interesting in light of Liverpool High's decision. Check it out:

They don't get it!

administrator said...

I agree - why isn't New York (and other states) catching on? Of course providing laptops to all students is a good idea! I can only hope that the school(s) I teach in will be so lucky. My students and myself will both benefit so much more if I am assured that all of my students will have easy Internet access.

Staci said...

I understand why administrators are giving laptops to every student, but what will be on these laptops? Internet, WORD, etc? I don't really like this idea too much. I think that instead of giving every student a laptop, they should make a large computer/research lab for students to use. I don't think instant lap top use is so wonderful for students. They should learn to use the computer for their projects and research, but I do not think it should be at their sides 24/7 in the schools. Just my take on it...I will probably get some angry people from this comment.

Kris Mark said...

I am truly stuck in the middle when it comes to this topic. Although I agree with Savanna that our state needs to "get with it" and provide what is necessary to help our students be elligable to compete in this world, I can't help but agree with Staci as well. I think large computer labs in every school should be mandatory so that students can do their work and online work at their free time or during a "computer period." I love being able to go to the mac lab in the library and do work at my own pace. I personally would not do well in my classes if all of them required me to do everything on the spot on the computer. WE can't just assume that all of our students are computer-literate. There are tons of students such as myself that need to write things down before typing it. So although having computers in all schools and classrooms would be beneficial, what about those students that would be falling behind because of the technology always in their faces?

Jess said...

I teach middle school in Sarasota, Florida and we have what is called NeXt Generation. Our county school district is dedicated to utilizing as much technology as possible within the classroom. On our team, we each have an ActivBoard (similar but more user friendly than a Smart Board), each teacher has his/her own laptop, a class set of computers (mixture of laptops and desktops), and wireless internet connections.

We teach our kids how to use Movie Maker, they create web pages using Front Page, they create pamphlets, conduct research, complete online labs for science and even take online assessments. My husband's 8th grade social studies class is complete paperless - he has all of his assignments and assessments online.

In order to propel this country's future citizens into the 21st century, we need to invest the money into not only the most up to day and advanced teaching equipment, but also in the training of our teachers to use these machines to their fullest extent. I know that when I move from Florida sometime in the near future, I will not be in the same position, technologically speaking, as I am here. Unfortunately, there are many school districts who are unable to sufficiently fund these sort of programs.